Instagram has become a social media platform for sharing more than just pretty pictures.

Users now have the opportunity to build genuine connections with the introduction of the Instagram Notes feature.

Whether you are a business looking to engage your audience or an Instagram creator seeking to strengthen your community, Notes can be a powerful tool in your social media strategy.


What are Instagram Notes?

New Sharing Features

Instagram Notes is a feature on the popular social media platform, Instagram, that allows people to share short messages.

These Instagram Notes are limited to a maximum of 60 characters and can be posted specifically to followers you follow back or their selected “Close Friends” list.

Instagram Notes are located in a user’s inbox, above their messages.

It is important to note that these Notes, like Instagram Stories, disappear after 24 hours.


Benefits of using Instagram Notes for Businesses

Instagram Notes are an excellent way for businesses to engage with their followers in a more personalised way.

A business can use Instagram Notes to give business updates, share news about their business or industry, give special discount codes or say thanks to their followers.

Businesses can reward their most loyal followers and give them a sense of exclusivity.

When followers know that the Note will disappear in 24 hours, they may be more inclined to pay attention and engage immediately.

Profile Photo

Followers may be tired of getting notifications and unlike Direct Messages (DMs) or Stories, there are no notifications for Instagram notes.

Notes can be found at the top of your follower’s inbox and it has been found that notes are easily discovered by followers, so if you are worried any important messages won’t go unnoticed.


How to create a new Note within the Instagram App

Chats List
  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap on your inbox icon, located at the upper right corner of the mobile app.
  3. In the top left corner of the inbox, click the icon labelled “+ Leave a Note” or click the + over your profile picture.
  4. Write your message, keeping it under 60 characters.
  5. Click ‘Share’ and select who you want to share with.
  6. Once you are happy, click “Done” to publish.
Instagram Notes


How to delete an Instagram Note

  1. To delete a Note, start by going to your direct message inbox in the top right corner.
  2. Tap on your own note.
  3. Within that current Note, there will be an option to ‘delete note’.
  4. Keep in mind that once a Note is deleted, it cannot be recovered. This is because there is no draft-saving capability.


Instagram Notes Algorithm

New Feature - Instagram Notes

One of the big questions around Instagram notes is how the algorithm works. As of now, there is limited information about the algorithm, but based on our understanding of algorithms of other Instagram features, we assume that this feature may follow a similar algorithm.

It is advised to adhere to the platform’s community guidelines. By maintaining a professional and respectful tone, you avoid any potential issues that may arise.

Increasing your engagement may also help with your success. If a business account actively responds to comments and has meaningful conversations, you can create a community that is supportive of your brand.

Posting regularly is another crucial aspect to consider. Consistent and regular posting can signal to the algorithm that you are an active and reliable account.


No Instagram Notes in your Instagram Inbox?


If you can not see the notes feature in your inbox, we recommend that you update the app so that you have the latest version.

This feature was launched globally in December 2022, so having the latest version of the app will answer your issue.

Users with Android devices can update through the Google Play Store, while iPhone users can do so through the Apple App Store.

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