Downloadable Resources


With just a few clicks, you’ll be accessing bite-sized insights on digital marketing, equipping you with practical knowledge and tactics to catapult your business forward. Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Let’s go, one eBook at a time.


Downloadable Resources To Help Your Digital Marketing

Setting Objectives

User Generated Content

Improving Engagement

Branding For Business

Creating Content

Understanding Demographics

Creating Personas

Need To Save Time on Your Social Media?

feedalpha can help. Schedule content to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.


View & manage all your social content in one place.


Create engaging posts for every social network.


Keep your social media working 24/7 while you get back to running your business!


Turn your website into a content machine! This feature allows you to create 3 pieces of social media content from a website link!


Search 1000s of trending articles from around the world and share with your followers.

Post Approval

Streamline your social media workflow with post approval