Five Post Ideas For An Architect

by | Dec 17, 2021 | Post Ideas, Small Business

The beauty of Social Media is the opportunities it provides businesses within all industries. As more of the world have access to and embrace digital communications, businesses can reach literally thousands more potential clients in one place.

Furthermore, the visibility Social Media, as well as other digital marketing methods, provides means businesses can gain a much better understanding of who their audience is, what they like or dislike and how best to convert them.

Before we get into what professionals such as Architects should post about on Social Media, let’s consider where and how they should go about it.


Choose The Right Platform For You

Of course, Social Media can be very time consuming, especially if businesses try and maintain a strong presence across all of the potential platforms. However, although this does increase your chances of reaching wider audiences, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re reaching the right audience and those most likely to convert into clients.

Think about where your potential clients are most likely to be spending their time, perhaps LinkedIn and Facebook, for example, and focus your best efforts on these platforms. It’s only worth your time, and in some cases money, if you’re truly maximising the opportunities.

Consider conducting some market research or asking existing clients which Social Media platforms they spend the most time on. From here, you will be able to produce an informed, high-quality content plan.


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Plan Your Content In Advance

By preplanning and scheduling your content in advance, it ensures you’re constantly sharing consistent and quality content across your platforms. It also reduces the chances of Social Media slipping down the priority list on a busy day.

Preparing a content plan will help you take time out to proof read the copy and ensure all content is on-brand and suitable for the intended platform and your target audience. Each platform has slightly different features to consider, for example, the character limit on Twitter or image specifications across all accounts.


Now you know where and how here are five easy post ideas to get you started.

1. Introductions
As your audiences grow and your followers increase, it’s important to post your key company information and any team introductions every now and then. This will serve as a reminder for long-term followers but also help new ones learn about your business.

If you have an office, operate primarily remotely or have any USP’s (unique selling points) that set you out from competitors then be sure to let your audience know.

2. Client Feedback
Social Media is a fantastic way to share a positive word of mouth about your brand quickly and efficiently but it’s even better when it’s coming from someone else. Encourage your existing or previous clients to share their feedback and positive experiences across Social Media to help convert potential clients.

3. Services
The balance between brand awareness, customer engagement and actually selling on Social Media can be tricky to master. The majority of your posts should be about developing existing follower relationships and building new ones, rather than just sell sell sell.

However, it is also vital to showcase your services and raise awareness of what you actually offer. You’ll soon learn what your audience responds to best!

4. Before, During & After
They say a picture speaks a thousand words and for an Architect, they really do help customers visualise. Share before, during and after examples of your projects and how your plans have come to life to show your skills and help inspire clients.

Posts like this are also a great way to drive engagement as you’ll find followers have all sorts of questions about the work. Consider hosting Live Q&A sessions on Social Media or posting a series of FAQ updates to help answer any questions.

5. Latest News & Updates
You will know far more about what’s happening in the industry than your clients, for example, the latest news or requirements on planning permissions, so be sure to share this with your audience. Not only will this show you’re an expert in your field and help build trust, but it will also add value to your followers feed and keep them engaging with you.

If you are looking to share the latest news stories be sure to do so from trusted outlets only to avoid sharing confusing or fake news.


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Review Results

Finally, be sure to keep reviewing your results and learning from the data. As above, you’ll quickly learn what your clients engage with best so you can post more of this, but it’s also important to keep things fresh and try new formats or post ideas.

Monitor your results to gauge what’s working, what’s not and how to do better. You will then be able to benchmark results against previous months and identify trends.


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