Five Post Ideas For A Yoga Instructor

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Post Ideas, Small Business

Research shows that one of the main reasons customers typically visit Social Media, especially Pinterest and Instagram, is to discover new things. Luckily, Social Media platforms are working with creators to help them produce and share content to reach new audiences.

Platform features such as hashtags, Instagram’s ‘Explore’ and TikTok’s ‘For You’ feed help potential customers find and engage with new, interesting content and this is exactly where professionals such as Yoga Instructors will benefit from being active on Social Media.

Another fantastic tool to utilise is going ‘Live’ on Social Media. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook or TikTok – Yoga Instructors will be able to converse with their audiences in real-time, answer any questions and build up a rapport. 

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Authentic and relatable content is the key to encouraging audiences to stay engaged and explore your offerings further, and Social Media really is the best place to do this with existing and potential customers. Plus, it’s an incredibly cost-effective form of marketing!

The best way to ensure a constant feed of quality content is to write and schedule posts in advance. This will help you know what’s going out, to which platform and when. If you’re going to go Live across one or several platforms then it’s best to mark this in the planner too, so you can share posts leading up to it letting your audience know.

Planning content in advance can be tricky as it’s hard to know what might be going on in the world, industry and within your business too far in advance. Use a Social Media content planner to plot out some evergreen posts so that there’s definitely something going out, but be sure to add in the odd topical update or share to your Stories to stay fresh.

Here are five examples of evergreen content to get the ball rolling.

1. Timings & Schedules
Whether you host offline classes, one on one sessions or livestream, it’s important to let your audience know your timings and how they can join in. Where relevant it may be worth sharing your prices and how best to book in too.

2. How To Guides
Don’t give too many of your secrets away for free but by sharing helpful ‘How To’ guides on mastering Yoga, you will keep your audience engaged in-between classes and be able to showcase your skills and expertise in the industry.

3. Motivational Content
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to fall off the health and fitness wagon so keep your audience hyped and engaged by sharing motivating content. Whether this is examples of before and after shots or simple motivational quotes, it’s really up to you as you’ll soon learn what your audience engage with best.


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4. Health & Wellness Tips
Similar to the above, don’t forget you’re the expert here and likely have mountains of helpful tips and knowledge. Help keep your audience motivated, but also educated, on all things Yoga, health and wellbeing and share some positivity across Social Media.

5. Client Testimonials
Last but not least, there really is no better way to inspire new clients than by encouraging your existing ones to share positive testimonials and feedback from their Yoga experiences. These could be direct to your Social Media pages or accounts, in the comments or via private message with permission for you to post on your accounts.

Review Your Results

As above, if you start to continuously post a well-balanced mix of content you will soon learn which posts your audiences respond to best. It could be audiences on different platforms prefer one topic to another, or perhaps you need to mix up your creative from static images to more video.

A good balance of content topics, creative types and Feed posts vs Stories should help keep your audiences engaged, but it’s also worth tracking your Social Media stats and results to understand which posts to include in your planner going forward.

The more you post, the more data you will gather and soon you will be able to benchmark results against yourself and track any growth.

Don’t forget to include tracking codes on any links to your website, from your Bio’s or posts, to understand how much traffic your Social Media content is driving. Google Analytics will be able to tell you where your audience is going, what they’re doing next and how many website enquiries you’ve captured each month.

Engage With Your Audience

Once you’re in the swing of posting you will likely see your audience engagement increasing. Be sure to comment back, retweet or like posts by your audience to show them you’re active online and there’s a human behind the screen!

This will help you build rapport with existing and potential customers, which will increase your chances of repeat business.


Coaching in the Digital Age: Using Social Media As A Coach Best Practices

Coaching in the Digital Age: Using Social Media As A Coach Best Practices

Using Social Media As A Coach – In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, where tweets fly, likes multiply, and stories unfold at the swipe of a finger, coaching has taken on a whole new dimension. With the development of digital technology, the globe has never been more interconnected, providing coaches with several options to reach and motivate people all over the world.

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