7 Social Media Post Ideas For An Accountant 

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Facebook, Small Business, Strategy

Social Media is a fantastic tool that any industry can utilise when looking to raise awareness and increase their exposure to their existing or new audiences. However, not all post ideas will be relevant for all sectors, and you need to make sure the content your sharing is suitable for your brand, business and target audience.

Your social media channels may be the first place potential clients experience your brand. Therefore your content, whether it’s the tone of voice in your copy or your choice of imagery, must meet the same quality brand guidelines as everywhere else in the business.

Quality over quantity applies to social media presence too. Don’t feel pressured to be active on every single social media platform. As an Accountant, you’re unlikely to get quality leads from Pinterest or YouTube. LinkedIn and Twitter may be the ideal platforms for you.

Start Planning

Before you dive right into posting, it’s worth plotting out a monthly social media content plan. Having a plan will help you be organised and know what you’re going to share, when and where. This will help maintain a constant stream of quality content and allow enough time to plan and proof your posts properly.

You may also want to look into a scheduling tool to help ensure your content is shared across each platform on plan without having to set time aside day by day.

If you’re ready to get creative with your content, here are our seven social media post ideas for all you Accountants out there! 

Key Services

Perhaps a no-brainer post idea but one that needs to be thoroughly thought through. Your sales to marketing ratio of posts is a delicate balance to keep so as to ensure the content you share is interesting enough for your followers to stick around. That being said, it’s essential that you utilise your social exposure to share your key services and products where relevant.

Experience and Accreditations 

Professional Accountants will likely be accredited and members of professional bodies. Your potential clients will be looking for this information before making their final decisions, so make it super easy for them to know everything about each team member by sharing it in a series of social media updates.

Client Testimonials 

There’s no better way to get new clients on board than by exposing them to fantastic feedback from your existing customers. Share your positive testimonials across your social media platforms and don’t be afraid to ask happy clients to leave their reviews!

Online Resources

Accountants often have several online resources available on their websites, such as downloadable forms or digital calculators. If this is the case, use your social media channels to raise awareness and drive traffic to your website. Helpful assets like this will add value to your audience and give them a reason to continue following and interacting with you.

Latest News and Laws

Showcase your industry knowledge and establish your business as experts in your field by keeping your clients and followers in the loop with all the latest news and laws that may impact them. Keep it simple and social-friendly with a jargon buster if needed and encourage your audience to reach out if you can be of any further assistance.

Meet The Team

When dealing with professional services, such as Accountants, clients may feel overwhelmed or anxious as it’s often a maze of terminology and buzzwords they’re not 100% sure on – hence hiring a professional. By sharing behind the scenes updates and meet the team posts on social media, you’ll build a better rapport with your audience and put your clients at ease.

Latest Blog Post

If you’re writing content for your website, such as a Blog, then share snippets of your latest posts on your social media platforms and include a link to your website for more. This helps establish you as an expert in your field, and it will drive more traffic to your website and support your SEO efforts.

Now you’ve thought about what to share and, importantly, where and when, you must remember to monitor your results. Each platform will provide vital insight into your reach, impressions and engagement (and more) so take a look at these regularly to understand what your audience is responding to best.

Once you have a few months’ worth of data you’ll be able to make decisions on what content to share going forward and, hopefully, increase your chances of maintaining or improving your results month by month.

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