Five Post Ideas For A Café

by | Apr 15, 2022 | Post Ideas, Small Business

You’ll often find that cosy, local Cafés have a very loyal customer base. Whether it’s a group of mums after the school run, freelancers looking for a place to work or those Sunday morning breakfast runs – there is somewhat a community feel when you start to build a rapport with repeat customers.

Social Media is a fantastic tool for businesses of all sizes to not only maintain these relationships but also develop new ones and increase your reach. Firstly, it’s completely free and secondly, it’s where your customers will typically spend their downtime which means you can connect with them online as well as off.


Choose Appropriate Social Media Platforms

When looking to build your Social Media strategy and thus presence, it’s important to think about where you’re most likely to find those engaged, loyal audiences. Facebook and Instagram offer a broad reach with features such as Events and Professional Accounts or Pages to support businesses.

Twitter and LinkedIn, on the other hand, could be too much on the professional side for who you’re looking to reach. And now, more so than ever before, we must consider TikTok in the top platforms. It’s possible your audience will be active on the ever-growing platform but do you have the time to commit to posting ‘on-trend’ content?

Before you stretch yourself too thin, consider quality over quantity for your reach and where best to promote your Café.


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Prepare Content In Advance

Some days may be quiet and others are unbelievably hectic. With this in mind, it’s best to pre-plan and schedule your content in advance to ensure a consistent drip-feed of posts. This will give you time to properly proof any copy, plus your audience will soon come to expect frequent updates.

Stuck for inspiration? Here are five post ideas to get the ball rolling.

1. Meet The Team

As above, it’s all about building rapport with customers to ensure satisfaction and repeat business. Meet the team updates on Social Media, whether they’re done via posts, Lives or videos will help potential customers know what to expect when they first visit and help showcase a personality online.

2. Latest Menu

Whether you change your menu weekly, are mixing it up with some seasonal specialities or you’d just like to get your customer’s tastebuds tingling, be sure to share your latest menu and top pics across Social Media to drive engagement and demand!

3. Opening Times and Reservations

As your brand awareness grows, so will your audience and following. Therefore, it’s important to periodically share key business information such as Opening Times – especially if they vary over weekends, bank holidays or other seasonal occasions.

Other important information, especially these days, is whether you take reservations and how customers can go about booking a table. This will help you manage numbers and ensure wait time is reasonable.

Furthermore, if you offer delivery or provide takeaway options, be sure to share this with your followers and detail how they can place an order.

4. Private Events

Cafés are often popular locations for private functions, such as Baby Showers and Birthdays. If your business provides this service then don’t forget to let your Social Media audience know! Key information will include what’s included, how to book, prices where necessary and previous customer testimonials.

As above, be sure to let your audience know if or when you’re hours change due to private functions.

5. Local Events

As part of the local community and in the spirit of hospitality, Cafés often join in with local events, such as street parties or bake sales for example. Utilise your Social Media platforms and reach out to share updates around local events, how you’re contributing and how others can do so too.

Café owners or employees can also use local events as an opportunity to go live to add some fresh content to their Social Media channels. This will bring your online community along for the fun!


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Understand Your Results

Last but by no means least, businesses should monitor all results across Social Media, including reach and engagement, to understand what content their audience is responding to best.

You will likely have many more ideas beyond the five above and you will definitely know your audience best. Be sure to share a mix of post topics and different types of creative to keep your feed interesting and help drive engagement.

Let your Social Media results influence your content planners going forward to increase your chances of maintaining a successful social strategy.


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