How To Set Up Facebook Business Manager

by | Jan 29, 2021 | Facebook, News, Strategy

Facebook Business Manager is a tool to help business manage everything from their Facebook Pages to Ad Accounts in one handy platform. Businesses will often have multiple people involved in their marketing, whether it’s their content creators or accountants, and Business Manager allows each user to login and view everything necessary.

Setting Up Facebook Business Manager

All you need to create a Business Manager Account is a personal Facebook Profile. Simply head over to and use your username and password to sign in.

Facebook encourage you to turn on two-factor authentication to keep your accounts safe, and this can be done by adding your mobile number to receive a text message when logging in on new browsers.

It’s important to note that you can only create up to two Business Manager Accounts. However, commonly you will only need one as everything you need can be collated, or shared from, here.

Once you have logged in, Facebook will ask you to ‘Create Account’. It’s here that you will enter your name, email address and business name.

You may also be required to submit further business details such as your Tax ID and Billing Information so make sure you are the best person to complete this or have easy access to all the information you may need.

facebook business manager
setting up business manager

Adding Users To Business Manager

Once you’ve completed creating your Facebook Business Manager account, you can then add other users. Each individual user will be able to access the platform via their own Facebook login so there is no need to share the credentials to your own account and, as above, you can customise their access levels depending on their role.

Only Admins can add people to a Business Manager, and you must never add people you don’t know. If you see a user request from someone you are unsure about, then contact them directly offline to confirm.

Within your Business Manager, under Business Settings, select ‘People’ and then ‘+ Add’. You will then be prompted to enter their email address and select their role within Business Manager and what assets (for example, Ad Accounts, Catalogues, Pixels, Apps and Pages) they can have access to.

If you add more assets after adding a user, you will need to make sure you assign access to everyone necessary.

adding users to Facebook business manager

Facebook Business Manager Roles

As you will see, there is a two-step approach to Business Manager Roles. The first level of entry is assigning Admin or Employee access, and the second is task-based depending on the assets they will need access to.

The reason for this is to allow the business more control, and therefore, protection over who can see/do what within their Business Manager. Facebook recommend only giving employees access to the bare minimum required to do their job.

Admin Access

As with your Facebook Page, Admin access in Business Manager is top tier access. Admins can edit accounts, people and settings – allowing them full control over the business.

Employee Access

Employee access is more restricted, and these users can only work on assigned accounts.

Finance Access

If your accounts team need access to view information, then there are two roles for this, Analyst access will reveal financial data such as account spend, payment methods, invoices and transactions. In contrast, Editor access will allow users to edit the payment methods and view the financial details mentioned above.

Once a user has Business Manager access, the next step is tailoring their asset access level to their role.

Standard Access

Choose which Accounts, Apps and Catalogues you’d like each user to have access to, and grant them permission to create, edit or view Pages and Ads.

Adding Partners To Business Manager 

Partner Access is different from adding users to your Business Manager. Partners are classed as Agencies or Freelancers that your business works with, and Facebook has made it super easy to share your accounts and assets with them.

Firstly, only Business Manager Admins can add partners, and you will need your partners Business ID.

Next, in Business Settings go to ‘Users’ then ‘Partners’ and select ‘+Add’. When you add a partner to your Business Manager, you are able to give them access to different assets and assign permissions, as with users.

Partners will be able to see and manage your assets from within their own Business Manager Accounts.

Add a partner

Adding And Removing Pages To Business Manager

Next up, you’ll need to add your Facebook Page(s) to Business Manager. Connecting your Facebook Page will allow you to run Facebook Ads. You must be Admin within Business Manager to add Pages, and there are three options available: Add Page, Request Access to a Page or Create a New Page.

In Business Manager Settings, under ‘Pages’ select the ‘Add’ button and choose from one of the three options. If you are already Admin of the Page (for more than seven days), select ‘Add a Page’, and your request will be automatically approved. Use this option if you are looking to ‘claim’ a page – remember there can only be one Page Owner.

Requesting access to someone else’s Page means they will still own it but, once they have accepted your request, you will be able to manage it within your Business Manager. If you are creating a Page from scratch, then select the third option and go through the setup stages.

If for some reason, you need to remove a Facebook Page from your Business Manager, under Settings then ‘Pages’ find the Page in question and select ‘Remove’.

Adding Ad Accounts To Facebook Business Manager

If you are looking to create Facebook or Instagram Ads, then you will need to add an Ad Account to your Business Manager. In Business Manager Settings under ‘Accounts’, you will see ‘Ad Accounts’. There are three options to choose from, Add an Ad Account, Request Access to an Ad Account or Create an Ad Account.

Add An Ad Account

Adding an Ad Account will move it permanently into your Business Manager. To do this, you must own the account and be Admin within the Business Manager. If you’re looking to access an Ad Account but don’t want to move it permanently, you need to request access to it instead.

Request Access

Use the Ad Account ID to request access to other businesses or professionals Ad Account. Once the Admin accepts your request, you will be able to work on it.

Creating An Ad Account

If neither of the above is what you’re looking for, then create an Ad Account from scratch. This will sit within your Business Manager, and you’ll need to complete all of the required information such as the account name and billing method.


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to everything Business Manager has to offer, but it’s a great starting point to get your business set up and ready!

Facebook business manager add an ad account
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